Do You Want a Swimming Pool? Know the Steps to Building a Pool

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Do You Want a Swimming Pool? Know the Steps to Building a Pool

The Steps to Building a Pool

Has it always been your dream to have a swimming pool? If you're hiring a pro, you should know the process. There are necessary steps to building a pool.

Keyword(s): steps to building a pool

In the summer months, having a swimming pool can really help take the heat away.

Average costs for a swimming pool installation are around $40,000, so you want to ensure you get value for your money by hiring a professional to do the job well.

But if you've never had a construction project like this, do you know what to expect before you hire a professional pool construction company?

To help you out, here are the steps to building a pool a professional will follow, from start to finish.

Permits, Planning, and Preparation

Before any work begins, you'll need to prepare for the work. You'll need to obtain a building permit before any work begins, and the work will need to be approved by a licensed engineer.

You'll need plans drawn up for the size and style of your pool, so speak to your chosen pool constructor as part of the swimming pool construction process.

Unsure what permits you might need? If you're based in Sacramento, you can find information on the permits and inspections you'd require for your pool build from the Sacramento County website.

Area Excavation

With plans and permits in place, the first of the pool building steps for a construction team will be to clear and excavate the site.

The team will use machinery to dig out the earth to the depth required, following the plans you've agreed.

Be aware, however, that while care will be taken to keep damage to your landscaping to a minimum, areas around the site may be impacted by the machinery.

This should only take a few days, depending on the size and conditions of the soil.

Laying the Essentials

With the digging process completed, the next pool construction steps to take are the laying down of all the essential materials for your pool.

The pool area will be reinforced with steel wire, acting as the initial pre-shell to maintain the shape and give it extra strength.

Depending on the design, you may also have drainage and initial plumbing installed at this point. The steel wire frame will then be coated with liquid concrete to create the firm shell for your pool.

This should take three or four days. This, again, is dependent on size and requirements.

Plumbing and Electrics

You'll have some initial drainage and plumbing already in place, but the majority of the access to utilities to the pool will be installed at this point. That includes preparing a connection for the pool to the household electricity, for pool pumps and heating.

If you're using gas to heat your pool, a gas engineer will set up the connection lines at this point. Plumbers will install the piping for fresh water and waste disposal.

Ensure that capable and registered engineers in their particular fields complete the work.

Inspection, Completion, and Cleanup

With utilities ready, the final construction for the pool can take place. This may include design features such as tiling and decking, as well as the installation of pumps and heating.

With the pool constructed, the final stage will be to coat the pool in a final, polished finish to give it additional protection, as well as to make it look appealing.

The site will be cleaned up, and final inspections on the pool and utilities will take place. The only thing left to do will be to fill your pool up and take a swim!

Once your pool is built, don't forget you'll need regular maintenance. Consider pool maintenance services if you're looking to keep your pool in great shape.

Steps to Building a Pool the Right Way

A reputable professional pool construction firm will follow these steps to building a pool the right way.

The pool building process can take a few weeks, but you can prepare yourself by researching the permits you need, preparing the area for construction, and getting some plans put together.

It'll also help to know the size and type of pool you're looking for, but if you're unsure, your builder will be able to help you decide.

Reckon it's about time you had a pool to dip in yourself? If you're based in the Sacramento metropolitan area, get in touch and we'll arrange to give you a quote for our pool construction services.